Dec. 22 2022
This October, dairy product sales continued to grow both at home and abroad. This has taken place despite relatively high retail product prices when compared to historical levels.In the United States
Dec. 8 2022
The one question I get asked the most as a robotic dairy farmer is this: How many cows can you run per robot? This is such a loaded question to me. I can dissect this one question into many diffe
Dec. 5 2022
On Tuesday, December 6, nearly 79 million dairy animals will receive updated U.S. genetic evaluations – commonly called “proofs.” The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) delivers...
Dec. 1 2022
As we approach the end of the year, farmers may be reviewing their income tax obligations and marketing plans or completing a business or enterprise analysis. A successful farm manager is already keep
Dec. 1 2022
The potential to develop and publish U.S. genetic evaluations for milking speed is being explored by USDA Animal Genomics & Improvement Laboratory (AGIL) and the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (
Blog Photo
Nov. 29 2022
At the Sustainable Agriculture Summit, three college students shared their thoughts on sustainability during a panel discussion
Nov. 21 2022
U.S. government dairy purchases helped to push cheese prices to new record highs in 2020, which has put cheese buyers on edge any time there is an announcement about government dairy purchases. In mid
Nov. 15 2022
The grocery world received a shock last month when Kroger and Albertsons Companies, the two largest supermarket operators in the country, announced they were merging. Over the last four weeks, that ag
Nov. 4 2022
U.S. dairy exports have been riding high in the saddle as of late, but will that trendline continue?Food and agriculture consultant Betty Berning believes it will. Berning, operator of Betty Berning C
Nov. 2 2022
Respiratory disease has consistently been one of the top two causes of both illness and death in preweaned and postweaned dairy calves for decades. Perhaps more than any other calfhood disease, an ani
Oct. 27 2022
As unpredictable as any day on a dairy farm can be, there are a few things that we can typically count on happening. Because of the changes a cow’s body goes through around calving and the transitio
Oct. 24 2022
Genetic improvement has been a highly effective strategy to enhance dairy efficiency and net profitability. Genetic selection is also a key to improve dairy sustainability. Continued genetic emphasis
Oct. 24 2022
With a photo of an old fashioned tractor and manure spreader as a backdrop on the screen, Rebecca Larson, an associate professor and extension specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, star
Readers Response
Oct. 14 2022
I am a first generation dairy farmer, and I am so glad to see that you put out the article, “Lack of land pushes young farmers out of ag” on October 6, 2022. I have said before, how can someone...
Oct. 14 2022
The U.S. dairy cow herd continued its gradual rebuilding last quarter with dairy farmers slowly adding more cows to the herd as milk prices hit historic highs
Oct. 10 2022
Elle St. Pierre is an inspiration for many as she came from humble beginnings on a family dairy farm, and forged her way to becoming an Olympian
Oct. 10 2022
There has been much recent work completed regarding antibiotic stewardship in dairy production. This includes pathogen-based decision-making (sometimes aided by on-farm culture) about which cows to tr
Brown Swiss GC
Oct. 6 2022
For Ken Main and Kenny Joe Manion of Copake, N.Y., success at the International Brown Swiss Show once again came from their winning Aged Cow and Senior Champion, Cutting Edge Thunder Faye
Milking Shorthorn GC WInner
Oct. 5 2022
As the first day of cattle shows came to a close at the 2022 World Dairy Expo, Judge Joe Sparrow of Owenton, Ky., tapped the winning Senior Three-Year-Old as his Grand Champion at the International Milking...
Junior Holstein GC WInner
Oct. 4 2022
To kick off the action in the showring at World Dairy Expo, the International Junior Holstein Show did not disappoint